Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Gift of a Smile 😊

 Dear Reader,

Being basic everywhere I go 

I hope this finds you well, as the seasons are changing, the sun is eclipsing and the energies around the world are rumbling... ⚡ 

I write to you from a little cafe in Ninh Binh, Vietnam, named Xanh CafΓ©. It is set away from the road and there is a little stream trickling away in the background. I can hear the birds sing and I am watching the enormous butterflies flutter... I still have the sweet and surprisingly delicious taste of egg coffee on my tongue. Something which I have been craving since Ha Noi πŸ₯š 

Unfortunately, places aren't always what you expect. Sometimes, no matter how many great things you have heard, your experience is different. 

Ha Noi was not as fun as I was expecting, Halong Bay was not as beautiful. Thankfully, I had the company of my friend, at least, but she was even less impressed. She made the strong decision to go back to Bali early, where she feels good. I decided to explore a little more. 

Despite our trip not turning out the way we expected, we had a lot of fun dodging motorbikes, laughing at the amount of bad luck and exchanging weary smiles. In some ways, I think these experiences make people feel closer with each other. I am glad to have travelled again with someone so kind and loving, for a few days, even if it wasn't what we expected! πŸ™ƒ

Pastries were the highlight of Ha Noi for us

The decision to come to Ninh Binh was great. As soon as I got here (after a bus ride that rivalled that of Nepal's mountainous bumps for the most uncomfortable journey ever), I felt a nice vibe and comfort. 

Most notably, I felt the warmth of smiles, which were somewhat absent where we had been. And boy, do the Vietnamese have the most beautiful smiles πŸͺ·

I went on a nice motorbike tour and saw some cool surroundings. Also met a lovely couple from San Francisco who were a calm and welcome connection. 

Unfortunately, my karma reset again and I ended up being very sick... I forgot what it's like to be that ill so far away from your home comforts. I would have given all my money for a hot water bottle and a hug from a loved one that night. 

So, struggling with the difference of vibes here, I was in between leaving Vietnam this weekend or heading south, when a very loud American walked into my home stay, with a flamboyant shirt (which I had wanted to buy myself in Ha Noi), shouting "Hey Ladies". 

I know what you're thinking. Loud Americans, shouting in English, mortifying manners. Well, in fact this person started speaking to the owners in semi-fluent Vietnamese! 

Having sat with couples all morning at breakfast, and none of them seeming particularly interested in striking up a conversation, and with me in my current state of perpetual resting b**** face, I had resigned myself to the fact it would be another quiet day. 

Well, Jack from Michigan had other plans. After some really interesting conversations, we went to the balcony and had an awesome yoga session, led by me, and a beautiful meditation, lead by him 🧘‍♀️ 

Within that meditation, there was a theme of giving smiles. For someone you love. Then someone who hurt you... This was a very hard smile for me and it was laced with tears... But then, there was a smile for yourself. 

All of this self love, the effort to be healthy, fit, successful, happy. Sometimes, it only takes a smile. And when you smile to yourself, it allows you to smile to others... And usually, they smile back... 

As I walked through the countryside today, filling my heart with more smiles, externally and internally, I remembered my lessons from the past few weeks. 

If a wounded butterfly can keep flapping then so can we!

✨ The universe will give you what you need. Just accept ✨

And Xanh coffee, where I was greeted by the biggest smile I have ever seen. Genuine warmth. Abundance of kindness. 

I have met some good people here, and I am ready for the next adventure in Vietnam. No matter what type it will be πŸ¦„

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