Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Off the Grid

Hello Dear Reader ❤️

I write to you with a fuller heart again, this time from Siem Reap. 


In this polluted and crazy Cambodia, with it's complex history and neverending intrigue, I found some golden treasure 🌟

Having a Bank Holiday weekend, longing for the sea and pining after my Little Slice of Heaven back in Indonesia, I decided that my 3 days should be spent on an island. This island was Koah Ta Kiev.

Sunset in paradise

When speaking to my unexpected friend last week, he mentioned that there's no WiFi, no fans... "But you will love it". 


There was in fact some barely functioning, intermittent WiFi. However I decided to disconnect. Why do I need to reply to all of my messages and emails right now? Why do I need to be reminded of personal and work tasks? Receive notifications from every site I ever visited or app I own? 

I'm on a freaking paradise island. 


I disconnected digitally. And reconnected spiritually.

There were no fans. It was very, very hot and I walked around with at least a kilogram of salt in my hair at any given time and within a perpetual state of sweat, but that just made me sparkle more under the sun's rays ☀️

I knew it would be good, because as we waited for our little boat to take us to the island, we met someone returning from there. His countenance was one of peace and appreciation. That was what I wanted. That is what I received. 

Pretty yoga shala 🪷

The island is bigger than Gili Air, my little Heaven, but with much less infrastructure. Despite there being some hikes and places to go, I gently oscillated between The Last Point, with its vast, sweeping beach that welcomed me (because we got on the wrong boat) and Kacktus, one of the best little hostels I have stayed in 🌵

View from the restaurant at Kactus

Once again, I believe good vibes attract good vibes. 


Whether the island just makes you a better version of yourself or maybe just manifests the nicest people, I found everyone that I met absolutely wonderful 😊 

There are many activities available, and I requested to schedule a macramé class, so for the first morning, me and another girl started to make some bracelets after our yoga class...

Then some more people joined. Then more...

Turns out macramé is a b**** and rather time-consuming, but this gave us the chance to have the best conversations 🫶

Credit to beautiful Nila for the photos 

And I just kept talking. And I wanted to. After the past few weeks of quasi-solitude and choosing to be predominantly "alone" amongst the crowds, I went to a remote island to disconnect, and connected with everyone around me 🪷 

Although I met many wonderful souls, I will have to give a shout out to the Macramé core group, who I felt became a little family for me. Even though it was just a couple of days together, they gave me so much 🥰 

🌈 Victoria, the peaceful flower of positivity, James, the wise observer who misses nothing, Julia, the bright star, twinkling away through the darkness and Nimo, the rainbows of smiles and kindness to brighten your day 🌈 

Absolute babes.

Shout out also to Nila, with a warm heart and calming aura 💗 

Lastly, a shout out to Ray and Andrew, the inspiring hippies. Ray is in fact starting her own podcast about digital nomads, of which I am the first guest 😍

This was a great place filled with great people. 

Add it to first place on your Cambodia must-visit itinerary, so long as you are prepared for going back to basics and ready to embrace nature 🌴 

I spent my last night connecting to the universe as we watched the sunset in the ocean, and danced ecstatically beneath the starts ✨

Although all I did was swim, practice yoga, and speak to people the entire weekend, my heart is full, my body relaxed and I felt completely refreshed as I returned on my tiny boat to the mainland.


It has given me perspective on what I want in life. Or maybe even what I need

Something more basic. Something near water. 

And you, Dear Reader, when is the last time you reflected on what you really want? Are you following the path of a former dream? 

✨ Let's take a minute to breathe. Check in with what's on that wishlist... Maybe you already have it... Or maybe it's time to go off the grid and think about what you really want ✨

Happy reflections 💧

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