Sunday, January 26, 2025


Dear Reader, 

Endless chirps, constant hums. Rustling. And the dampness- you can almost hear it. 



I come to you, from the jungle. 

Though, not so different from a Slice of Heaven. Or perhaps Lombok... ๐Ÿ–ค 

...The same smells as I disembarked the ferry, the familiar haze as the sun sets. The greetings from locals...

...The same lost souls wandering, hidden but always there.


Waking up this morning, to heavy rain, I thought my 8 hour bus journey was in vain (supposed to be 4), and that I would spend my time here secluded in my little hut. 

But against all odds, the rain stopped, and so I took advantage of this change and made a beeline for the beach. 

As I dipped my feet in the water, admiring the shells, gentle sparkles of sunlight slowly appeared across the sky. 

I passed the locals by the sea, happy families, kids swimming, many smiles. I walked past a kayak and realised that I could complete what I planned to do after all. 

So I left my valuables (not recommended travel advice), in the trusting hands of the universe, having decided that it was less risky than me keeping my bag dry, and I set off full steam ahead.

I stopped at Palau Giam, did some snorkeling without a snorkel, and saw a few fish in murky post-rain water. I also passed by a quirky Buddhist temple, with colours and architecture that made it look like something out of Alice in Wonderland, and took me back briefly to The Elf. Oh the parallels ๐Ÿ’œ 

As boatfuls of locals went by, waving and gawking at the overexcited white blob bounding across the water on her own, I realised something: I love kayaking. I thought about my journey in lakes Taupo and Tekapo, about this time last year, and how much fun I find this random activity. 

I want to buy a kayak and take myself around all my favourite islands. But it won't fit in my backpack...

Anyway, to finish off what was a surprisingly successful day, I went to "Daddy's Cafe" - not as creepy as it sounds- and watched the sunset. Lovely.

Pankor island has been a most welcome change to Kuala Lumpur's typical chaotic Asian city vibes. 

But KL is also a great place. Chinatown especially. Great food, from all over the world. Everything is affordable, apart from massages given by tiny women who want to paralyse you. 

The bird park and butterfly sanctuaries were both incredible. An indulgence of colour, beautiful nature at its finest, and all within one enormous park ๐Ÿฆ‹ ๐Ÿฆ

The National Museum was also great, giving me insight into a country that I never heard very much about. Another melting pot, a strategically important place, and historically rich. 

But my favourite spot in KL so far, must be the Batu caves. I never expected to see temples built, and perfectly preserved, within caves. 


I paid next to nothing to enter. There is information on all the deities inside, whilst there is even a mini reptile park in one of them! Unfortunately, the reptiles, including my beloved turtles, were not well cared for. The staff seem harmless, but the conditions were very poor. It did however, allow me to see these beautiful animals closer, and I appreciate that ๐Ÿ 

After being treated to a cultural dance performance, I made my way to the main temple. Up around 400 steep steps. In the middle of the day. It was worth it for the view and the enormity of the cave. However, I did have to part with the rest of my iced tea on the descent, as it was stolen by a monkey ๐Ÿ’ 


Malaysia feels so familiar to me that it's eerie. Maybe because I've been to Singapore so many times as a child. Perhaps because there are so many similarities to Indonesia, notably the language. 

Little friend

Really, I think that it just feels safe here. There are so many cultures but everyone is welcome. Now I understand some regions are more dangerous. But this part, it feels good. 

And here, I'm closer to where magic is born. I feel it in the air. Every essence of my being, moving forward. I wonder where the roots will form... ✨ 


With only a few days of solo travel left before I return to the melting pot, I am lost in thought. 

As I watch the evening sky reflect off the water, the timid ripples growing ever more courageous, I feel a perfect blanket of warmth on my shoulders. The pain has shifted and everything feels lighter. Even as the shadows dance around me, I look to the water and feel peaceful. I glance at the trees and feel strength, and I gaze at the sky and feel wonder. 

Dear Reader, hear the birds in the sky above you. Notice the colours in every flower. Dip your feet in the water, wherever you may be and watch the ripples. Remember how delicate movements can change the flow, be it a breath, a smile, or even a swipe... ๐Ÿ˜

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Kiss from the Ocean of Mystery

Dear Reader, 

What an unforgettable few weeks... 

I come to you this time from a cafe in Kuala Lumpur... 


Here I am, in a place to which I was invited many moons ago... In a cafe I already visited this week. I'm breaking my rule of eating somewhere new each day... But this is where I wanted to speak to you today, so here we are... ☕ 

Sometimes a basic b**** brekkie just hits the spot 

Low on energy, weighed down by things that do not matter... Reminding myself each morning, through my own version of salutations, of the power of now ✨ 

The adventures here will be for another time, as this article will be about my wonderful month in my quasi-home down unda ๐Ÿจ 


I made it to Australia again...

And those I love made it as well. Because of me.

The power we have to make good things happen... It's always there... Sometimes it takes time. But if you feel it in your veins, you will eventually watch the images unfold... Just how you painted them on the canvas, from the comfort of a safe space ๐ŸŽจ 


Things are never the same again twice. No matter how much you wish. 

I longed for the little veranda where I practiced my Ashtanga every morning last year, for the laughter, for the novelty of being back to a sort of home again after so many years... 

But this visit, I filled my time, saw everyone I miss so much, smiling, chatting, admiring the breathtaking views of my cousins's lakeside apartment, which they so kindly allowed us to stay in ๐Ÿฉต

The spectacular beaches, the blanket of heat, combined with the captivating electric storms, a country that has its problems, like all do, but acts as a second home for me. 

Full of love from people who make me feel like I belong. And the radiance of my mum, every time we are together in this place ๐Ÿฉท 

Closing last year was very different from how it opened, and I can only imagine what magic lies ahead ๐Ÿช„ 

...The fairy welcomed the shining star to the night sky in this part of the world, and so they celebrate a new cycle of wonder... ๐Ÿงš‍♀️๐ŸŒŸ

Turns out Melbourne is a blast! Coffee is outstanding, as everyone says, and I now understand better the term "Melbournite".

My mature cousins showed us some great spots. Their fitness and vitality, combined with their warmth and fun, make them an inspiration. I hope I'm that cool some day.

That cake was unreal ๐ŸคŒ

One of the most special moments, after waiting one year, one epic loss of the West Indies, finally, my dad and I were able to go to the cricket together again. First time in Sydney. Australia v India... A tough choice... Made easier by the mob of drunk Aussie men surrounding us ๐Ÿป

And we were joined by some friends... 


Of course, sometimes things don't work out the way you hoped, such as our epic trip to the blue mountains...

Thanks to Eric who drove so far ๐Ÿซถ

But it did mean that I got to hold a snake... Just after my recent ink addition... Funny old world... ๐Ÿ 

I accept that things are ever so slightly out of reach. I want to know how things will be, I do not want to feel pain that can be avoided. 

But I am reminded, that every story is different, every adventure is a new tale, and nothing is ever the same again twice. 

So I embrace the change in the wind, and I let the ocean of mystery guide me as I step through the tall grass of obscurity. After all, the thorns have already strengthened the soles of my feet. 


As the frangipanis line the path back to the cultural melting pot in the Indian ocean, far away... The fairy decides on the scenic road to return... 

And so here we are.

Kuala Lumpur is filled with people who smile... It's why I love visiting South East Asia. As my Filipino colleague mentioned this week, people in this part of the world are just happy with what they have. They choose happiness. So do I. 

I'm here for a reason. And whilst I miss my Little Slice of Heaven, it is not my time to be there. I have a different space waiting for me, and I'm looking forward to returning. 

And you, Dear Reader, as I have not wished you already. Happy 2025... 

May your year be filled with the fullest beauty of life ๐ŸŒณ

Monday, January 6, 2025

India III: Punjab & the Last Day

Dear Reader, 

How I have missed you. 

Reflections from Banaras

I come to you from Sydney, where shadows take the form of raindrops this morning, and so I write, to you. 

As Christmas days are so busy, filled with friends, love and laughter, I have taken time to reflect on India and the different feelings I have since then. 

Arriving at 4am in Amritsar had its own set of problems, and for the first time, I prepared myself for a fight. It wasn't necessary in the end, but serves to remind us all... Always choose the safest option when travelling, especially alone. Regardless of gender.

Winding my way through the narrow streets, admiring the perfectly coiffured moustaches of practically every man around me, and being careful to avoid the sharp spears, which Punjabi men may carry by law. Thanks colonial Britain for that entrenched horror. 

Devastated at the total destruction of my favourite bangles, which were made of glass and had mostly shattered by the time I arrived here, I decided to hunt for more- not a difficult task when you're meandering through the street of the bridal market. 

I happened upon a tiny stall, owned by an old man with a face full of character, who patiently opened up about 50 packets of bangles for me to gawk at. It's safe to say I replenished my collection.  

That afternoon, I was able to attend the bizarre border ceremony, where Indian and Pakistani border force security partake daily in an elaborate dance, march, and a lot of growling.

I have never seen anything so hilarious in my life. 

If you ever get the chance to go, you should. It's a unique spectacle, but although it was fun, and I ended up dancing with one of the Austrian girls from my hostel and about 100 Indian women, the whole thing does have dark undertones, signifying the temperate past between these nations. 

The next day, I had to make my last stop on the tourist train- The Golden Palace ✨ 

Oh baby, this place is something else. Just like the Taj, it's becoming cooler to dislike this kind of spot, but I don't give a hoot. It's absolutely stunning, houses the biggest kitchen in the world, it's free and it's spiritually powerful. 

Anywhere that allows anyone at all, from any walk of life, to come in, eat as much as they like, and leave, without asking for anything. That is a place of humanity. Well done, Siqs. 

After taking all the recommendations from the lovely staff at Madpackers, eating my way through the city and all the side streets, I prepared myself to head back to Delhi. 

Shout out to Vikram, Amritsar's nicest old man and best tuktuk driver. May he find is old friend from so long ago. 



Chandi Chowk. 

Most famous old market in Delhi. 

Old Delhi. 


Finding it was hard, getting out was harder. 

Worth it for the amazing bargains and great vibes ๐Ÿชท

Thankfully, I had a motorbike rider to take me back to my hotel. He waited for me, drove me through traffic and all for 50 rupees. He deserved 5000.

That ride was probably the most impactful. The poverty. The bleeding animals with their glazed eyes. The people fighting over some wheat. Everything decaying. And 4 hours later, I was walking through Khan market, where a macaron costs 20,000 rupees. It's not right. 


Thankfully, I ended on a positive note, by seeing the wonderful Kanchana and her sweet Akshi that evening. 

Their warmth is reflected in the hearts of most Indians I met. 

Weather it's the stranger helping me to choose sweets, the man who made sure I got local prices for monkey nuts, the Guest House host who called her driver 1000 times to ensure I was safe, the couple who walked with me, the people on the train, the staff in the hostels, making sure I was warm. Kindness for karma. 

So I will write to you again soon, to tell you all about Australia, the peace and love ๐Ÿ’• 

But life will never be the same again. India changes you. The smells, the noise, the abundance of colour. The smiles, the eyes and the warmth. May this special place find it's own peace, that it's so willing to share with others. 


The Second Letter

Dear Reader,  February 1st was an important day.  It is the 32nd day of the year. According to my horoscope (hear me out, cynics), 5 is my n...