Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Kiss from the Ocean of Mystery

Dear Reader, 

What an unforgettable few weeks... 

I come to you this time from a cafe in Kuala Lumpur... 


Here I am, in a place to which I was invited many moons ago... In a cafe I already visited this week. I'm breaking my rule of eating somewhere new each day... But this is where I wanted to speak to you today, so here we are... ☕ 

Sometimes a basic b**** brekkie just hits the spot 

Low on energy, weighed down by things that do not matter... Reminding myself each morning, through my own version of salutations, of the power of now ✨ 

The adventures here will be for another time, as this article will be about my wonderful month in my quasi-home down unda ๐Ÿจ 


I made it to Australia again...

And those I love made it as well. Because of me.

The power we have to make good things happen... It's always there... Sometimes it takes time. But if you feel it in your veins, you will eventually watch the images unfold... Just how you painted them on the canvas, from the comfort of a safe space ๐ŸŽจ 


Things are never the same again twice. No matter how much you wish. 

I longed for the little veranda where I practiced my Ashtanga every morning last year, for the laughter, for the novelty of being back to a sort of home again after so many years... 

But this visit, I filled my time, saw everyone I miss so much, smiling, chatting, admiring the breathtaking views of my cousins's lakeside apartment, which they so kindly allowed us to stay in ๐Ÿฉต

The spectacular beaches, the blanket of heat, combined with the captivating electric storms, a country that has its problems, like all do, but acts as a second home for me. 

Full of love from people who make me feel like I belong. And the radiance of my mum, every time we are together in this place ๐Ÿฉท 

Closing last year was very different from how it opened, and I can only imagine what magic lies ahead ๐Ÿช„ 

...The fairy welcomed the shining star to the night sky in this part of the world, and so they celebrate a new cycle of wonder... ๐Ÿงš‍♀️๐ŸŒŸ

Turns out Melbourne is a blast! Coffee is outstanding, as everyone says, and I now understand better the term "Melbournite".

My mature cousins showed us some great spots. Their fitness and vitality, combined with their warmth and fun, make them an inspiration. I hope I'm that cool some day.

That cake was unreal ๐ŸคŒ

One of the most special moments, after waiting one year, one epic loss of the West Indies, finally, my dad and I were able to go to the cricket together again. First time in Sydney. Australia v India... A tough choice... Made easier by the mob of drunk Aussie men surrounding us ๐Ÿป

And we were joined by some friends... 


Of course, sometimes things don't work out the way you hoped, such as our epic trip to the blue mountains...

Thanks to Eric who drove so far ๐Ÿซถ

But it did mean that I got to hold a snake... Just after my recent ink addition... Funny old world... ๐Ÿ 

I accept that things are ever so slightly out of reach. I want to know how things will be, I do not want to feel pain that can be avoided. 

But I am reminded, that every story is different, every adventure is a new tale, and nothing is ever the same again twice. 

So I embrace the change in the wind, and I let the ocean of mystery guide me as I step through the tall grass of obscurity. After all, the thorns have already strengthened the soles of my feet. 


As the frangipanis line the path back to the cultural melting pot in the Indian ocean, far away... The fairy decides on the scenic road to return... 

And so here we are.

Kuala Lumpur is filled with people who smile... It's why I love visiting South East Asia. As my Filipino colleague mentioned this week, people in this part of the world are just happy with what they have. They choose happiness. So do I. 

I'm here for a reason. And whilst I miss my Little Slice of Heaven, it is not my time to be there. I have a different space waiting for me, and I'm looking forward to returning. 

And you, Dear Reader, as I have not wished you already. Happy 2025... 

May your year be filled with the fullest beauty of life ๐ŸŒณ

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