Sunday, February 11, 2024

A moment of gratitude

Dear Reader, 

Okay, so my second entry is a little late. 

One of the best things about remote working/ having a nomadic lifestyle is that when your mum calls you from Bali, stressed at having cards blocked and generally having a meltdown - and then subsequently asks you to come and help her combat life's challenges-  is that you can accept this plea/request/demand. 

And strangely enough, I had been struggling to decide where to go after my 3 week New Zealand South Island adventure 🤔 so nothing was booked...

Within a few minutes, I organised my flight from Nelson, New Zealand, to Bali 🌸

Now granted, my mum didn't have to twist my arm too hard to get me here... It is Bali after all 🌞✌️

After a beautiful few days in Ubud together , and being reconnected with some old acquaintances (and indeed meeting a new one, which I may mention in a later letter, Dear Reader), I am now in Gili Air 🌊 

It was hard to decide whether to go to Gili T, the notorious party hub, or risk going to Gili Air and speaking to no one for a few days. 

Whilst the latter may turn out to be true, I immediately felt a sense of calm as I stepped foot on this adorable island. Even pulling up to the harbour, I knew I'd made the right decision 🪷

It may be a quiet few days, but I now, more than ever, believe in fate, and that every little thing has brought me (and you, Dear Reader) to this exact moment ✨

So I come to the point of this letter...

This is a genuine message I just sent to my friend, back in rainy England:

"I'm sitting on a beanbag on the sand, listening to reggae music, drinking a really strong Mai Tai which costs £2.27, watching the lightning over the sea"

So next time I'm stressed, feel like I'm unworthy or lost, I'll take a hot second to appreciate the f*** out of this moment, retrospectively. 

Namaste indeed ✌️

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