Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The World Out There πŸ₯

Dear Reader, 


How I have missed you. 

In Crete, with its narrow streets and hazy charm. 

I have been recollecting... We are almost 6 months into this crazy year and it feels so fast... But also like a whole lifetime... ✨

A friend of mine is going snowboarding in New Zealand soon. 

It made me remember my adventures of this exquisite land, which feels so far away 🌿 

A time where I tapped into a whole other person that I didn't know existed, uncovering weird and wonderful shadows that would shape the weeks to follow πŸ–€ 

A time where I drove around in a little Suzuki Swift which I named Tay Tay... πŸš— 

A time where I supplemented my nocturnal work life with road trips into the mountains, kayaking on pristine-clear waters, befriending expats, tourists and crazy horse ladies, surviving on countless sugar free monster drinks and 2 hours sleep...

πŸͺ»Climbing a mountain with a randomer from my hostel, impressing a bunch of Germans with the strange conversational skills I have maintained since high school, making friends with people who are also chucking themselves out of planes at 12,000ft, to then go on a road trip to one of the most breath taking places on earth, picking up incredibly tall hitch hikers... 

Absolute babe.

The list goes on... 

So the next post will be dedicated to recommendations in New Zealand, South island. 

Though the north was lovely, I didn't spend as much time there and I had a friend show me around. NZ feels like one of those places where exploring solo really pays off, as it is so safe and so wondrous 🌟

From the moment I set foot in the quirky little airport of Nelson (and in Auckland as well to an extent), I knew that the next few weeks would be a wonderful adventure. And they really were. 

Fly you fools

And you, Dear Reader... Are you allowing yourself a sense of adventure these days? When was the last time you just went with the flow... Explored your surroundings... And yourself? πŸ€”

Stay tuned 😘

P.S. to all you nerds, yes, the title alludes to a Gandalf quote. And kiwis. 

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